Conscious slow fashion – how to empower better world fashion.

Conscious Slow Fashion @ Outware

Over recent years slow fashion has emerged as a crucial trend, revolutionising the fashion industry and extending its influence beyond clothing. This movement emphasises sustainability, conscious consumption and ethical production.

What is conscious consumption? In simple terms – it means that we stop and think about what drives our actions before we take them. In doing this, we consciously affect our decisions around buying, spending and most importantly we begin to consider our real needs in each purchase and the potential consequences of these needs.
As a result, we may choose to buy differently or not buy at all! This doesn’t mean we have to live a monk like existence, just that we give meaningful thought to what we are about to do and the wider effects this might have on our world.

Conscious design - a key tenet of slow fashion
Informed, conscious design is an important part of a slow fashion workplace.

So, what does this mean in the world of manufactured goods? At Outware, it has transformed our approach to design, the materials chosen and our construction processes. By considering the way we build our bags, totes, duffles, and general outdoor adventure gear, we view all of our design processes through a slow fashion lens. We offer an alternative to the negative impacts of fast fashion, our core value proposition is simple:

Buy well, buy once, this is good for your pocket and great for our planet.

One aspect that has gained prominence for us, is the use of modern canvas, this material aligns well with the principles of slow fashion as it provides durability, functionality and increased product life cycle.

Let’s take a brief look at some of the key tenets of slow fashion in regards to our manufacturing.

Sustainable Materials:

In line with slow fashion principles, bag designers are increasingly opting for sustainable materials. Modern canvas fabric, made from organic cotton or recycled fibres, has gained popularity due to its eco-friendly nature. Compared to conventional synthetic materials, canvas has a lower environmental impact and reduces reliance on non-renewable resources. Its durability and natural composition make it an excellent choice for creating long-lasting bags and gear that can withstand the rigours of outdoor adventures.

Modern canvas fabrics at Outware
The durability of modern canvas fabric is ideal for slow fashion products.

Ethical Production:

Slow fashion emphasises ethical production practices, ensuring fair wages, safe working conditions, and the absence of labor exploitation. Manufacturers that are committed to slow fashion principles prioritise the well-being of workers throughout their supply chains. By choosing brands that value ethical manufacturing, consumers can actively contribute to a more just and responsible industry while enjoying their daily life.

Durability and Functionality:

One of the core tenets of slow fashion is the emphasis on quality and durability over disposable, fast-fashion items. Businesses like Outware, who specialise in bag design are embracing this approach by creating products that are built to last. In recent years, the popularity of modern canvas fabric has significantly increased due to its eco-friendliness, waterproof and UV resistance coatings, durability, and aesthetic appeal. The sturdiness of canvas and its resistance to wear and tear make it a perfect match for crafting bags, tents, backpacks and other outdoor gear. It ensures that bags and gear remain functional for an extended period, reducing the need for frequent replacements, repair and minimisation of waste.

Repair and Maintenance:

The slow fashion movement encourages repair and maintenance as an alternative to discarding items. Designers who embrace this concept respond by offering repair services, providing spare parts, and designing products that are easily repairable. Modern canvas fabric, being highly repairable, allows for straightforward fixes, extending the lifespan of bags and general outdoor gear. This focus on repairability minimises waste and promotes a more sustainable and mindful approach to consumption.

Easy product repair - a key slow fashion value @ Outware
Long life cycle and repairability is important in slow fashion design.

Supporting Local Economies and Crafters:

Slow fashion emphasises the significance of supporting local economies and preserving traditional crafts. Designers and makers committed to the principles of slow fashion, source materials locally and collaborate with other artisans. This approach helps in reducing carbon emissions in business associated with transportation but also supports local businesses and artisans who possess specialised skills. Canvas, with its versatile nature, enables designers to showcase their creative abilities while highlighting the cultural heritage, narrative and provenance of a particular region. Outware designs bags, totes, duffles and general adventure gear informed by the rugged environment and location in which we live and play – Southern Tasmania.

Final thoughts on slow fashion:

The Slow Fashion Movement has made a significant impact on the way Outware designs and manufactures. By prioritising sustainability, ethical production, durability, and functionality, this movement has transformed the industry’s practices and consumer habits. The incorporation of modern canvas fabric aligns perfectly with the principles of slow fashion, offering a material that is environmentally friendly, long-lasting and repairable. As consumers, by supporting slow fashion brands and choosing products made with modern canvas, we can contribute to a more sustainable and responsible fashion industry, one tote, duffle, and piece of adventure gear at a time.
And we can enjoy our outdoor adventures with a sense of style and conscious consumption.

Outware's slow fashion workshop - quality and care
Slow fashion in action


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